
Master the Art of Stakeholder Management in Foundations

Christine Dunbar
April 8, 2022

IT today is more about managing people than technology, however:

  • IT does not always consider critical stakeholders and their concerns and preferences as they plan projects or operate on daily business.
  • It is difficult to tailor communication and messaging to all of the different personal and professional styles and motivations of stakeholders.
  • Access to stakeholders and getting an accurate understanding of their needs and concerns regarding IT can be difficult to obtain.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • The guiding principles for effective stakeholder management are common concepts, but unfortunately not common practice.
  • By stepping back and taking the time to thoughtfully consider the dynamics and needs of important IT stakeholders, you will be better able to position yourself and your department.

Impact and Result

  • Info-Tech’s guiding principles provide clear and feasible recommendations for how to incorporate stakeholder management into daily interactions.
  • This blueprint’s guidance will enable IT leaders to tailor communication and interactions that will enable them to build stronger and more meaningful relationships with stakeholders.
  • Following this approach and its guiding principles will make IT projects be more successful by reducing their risk of failure due to issues of buy-in, misunderstanding of priorities, or a lack of support from critical stakeholders.

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About the Author

Christine Dunbar

We believe in listening to our clients and facilitating robust dialogue to learn the full picture of the project from multiple perspectives. We craft solutions that are tailored to our client’s needs, emphasizing a robust process that engages the correct stakeholders throughout the project so that once it’s complete, our clients can continue to manage it successfully.

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